Institute of Geodesy

satellite geodesy, hydro-geodesy, gravity field modelling, study programs in Geodesy & Geoinformatics

The Institute of Geodesy was founded 150 years ago, when the University of Stuttgart was still called Polytechnical School. The reasearch portfolio at GIS over the past several decades covers a broad spectrum of research objectives in satellite geodesy and physical geodesy. The GIS research activities and expertise range from sensor analysis of geodetic satellites through geodetic data analysis methodology to modelling and application of geodetic products in hydrology, geophysics and oceanography

This image shows Giulia Casini

Giulia Casini



This image shows Nico Sneeuw

Nico Sneeuw

Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Head of Institute, Chair of Physical and Satellite Geodesy, Vice Dean

This image shows James Foster

James Foster

Prof. Dr.

Chair of Geodetic Space Techniques

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