Prof. Erik Grafarend


Liste der wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen

1. Der Rückwärtseinschnitt mit dem Vermessungskreisel (zus. J. Kunz)
Bergbauwissenschaften 12 (1965) 285-297

2. Bergbaubedingte Deformation und ihr Deformationstensor
Bergbauwissenschaften 14 (1967) 125-132

3. Allgemeiner Fehlertensor bei a priori und a posteriori Korrelationen
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 92 (1967) 157-165

4. Richtungsabhängiges tensorielles Fehlerfortpflanzungsgesetz
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 74 (1967) 300-337

5. Der klassische nord-süd-suchende Kreisel
Vermessungstechnische Rundschau 29 (1967) 1-16, 33-39

6. Fehlertheoretische Untersuchungen und chronometrische Meßverfahren beim Einsatz von Aufsatzkreiseln in Kombination mit dem elektrooptischen Entfernungsmeß-gerät AGA -Geodimeter 4 B
Deutsche Geodätische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften C 112, München 1967

7. Die Genauigkeit eines Punktes im Raum
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 93 (1968) 107-111

8. Fehlertheoretisch günstigstes Vorwärtseinschneiden
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 93 (1968) 414-419

9. Nonlocal continuum mechanics and Kawaguchi Geometry
Research Notes No. 141. Research Asso-ciation of Applied Geometry (RAAG) To-kyo 1969

10. Chronometrische Nordbestimmung mit Vermessungskreiseln
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 94 (1969) 105-111

11. Die Methode der minimalen verallgemei-nerten Varianz als mehrdimensionales Analogon der Methode der minimalen Varianz
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 94 (1969) 223-227

12. Helmertsche Fußpunktkurve oder Mohrscher Kreis?
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 76 (1969) 239-240

13. Schlupfgekoppelte Rotationssysteme unter Einfluß der Erddrehung als Ost-West-Kompaß.(zus. R. Niedermayer)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ortung und Na-vigation (DGON) Heft 1 (1969) 33-43

14. The Gaussian structure of the gravity field.
Studia geophys. et geod. 14 (1970) 159-167

15. Die Genauigkeit eines Punktes im mehrdi-mensionalen Euklidischen Raum
Deutsche Geodätische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften C 153, München 1970

16. Zur Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie des Helmertschen Punktfehlers
Österr. Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 58 (1970) 33-41

17. Fehlertheoretische Maxwell-Boltzmann-Verteilung
Bull. Géodésique 95 (1970) 41-49

18. Prädiktion und Punktmaße
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 77 (1970) 17-22

19. Fehlertheoretische Unschärferelation
Festschrift Professor Dr.-Ing. Helmut Wolf, 60. Geburtstag, Bonn 1970

20. Verallgemeinerte Methode der kleinsten Quadrate für zyklische Variable
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 95 (1970) 117-121

21. Theory of the stochastic gravity field
Physics Letters 31 A (1970) 7-8

22. Statistische Modelle zur Prädiktion von Lotabweichungen
Vermessungstechnik 19 (1971) 66-68

23. Korrelationslängen von Schwereanomalien und Lotabweichungen
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 96 (1971) 132-138

24. Neuartige chronometrische Meßverfahren zur Nordbestimmung mit Vermessungskreiseln
(zus. H. Rymarzyk)
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 78 (1971) 205-214

25. Elektromagnetische Entfernungsmessung im Konzept stochastischer Prozesse
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 78 (1971) 41-49

26. Mittlere Punktfehler und Vorwärtseinschneiden
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 96 (1971) 41-54

27. Beobachtungsverfahren bei Vermessungskreiseln
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 78 (1971) 92-105

28. The free nonlinear boundary value problem of physical geodesy
Bull. Géodésique 101 (1971) 243-262

29. Isotropietests von Lotabweichungen Westdeutschlands
Z. Geophysik 37 (1971) 719-733

30. Lotabweichungsverteilungen Westdeutschlands und ihre gruppentheoretische Struk-tur
Mitt. Institut für Theoretische Geodäsie No. 1, Bonn 1971

31. The object of anholonomity and a generalized Riemannian geometry for geodesy
Boll. Geofisica teoretica et appl. 13 (1971) 241-253

32. A combined gravimetric-astrogeodetic method for telluroid and vertical deflection analysis
Deutsche Geodätische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften B 188, München 1971

33. Hilbert-Basen zur Optimierung mehrdimensionaler Punktmannigfaltigkeiten
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 52 (1972) 240-241

34. Shar-Effekt-Tests an Vermessungskreiseln
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 79 (1972) 318-326, 420-421

35. Point-and interval-estimations, especially of point errors, in multidimensional least squares adjustment
Bulletin Géodésique 104 (1972) 165-184, 105 (1972) 319-342

36. Nichtlineare Prädiktion
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 97 (1972) 245-255

37. Isotropietests von Lotabweichungsvertei-lungen Westdeutschlands II
Z. Geophysik 38 (1972) 243-255

38. Die freie geodätische Randwertaufgabe und das Problem der Integrationsfläche innerhalb der Integralgleichungsmethode.
Tagungsheft "Freie Randwertaufgaben", eds. E. Grafarend /N. Weck. Mitt. Institut für Theoretische Geodäsie No. 4, Bonn 1972. Methoden und Verfahren der ma-thematischen Physik, Bibliographisches Institut Mannheim 8 (1973) 35-124

39. Genauigkeitsmaße geodätischer Netze
Deutsche Geodätische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften A 73, München 1972

40. Three-dimensional geodesy and gravity gradients
The Ohio State University, Report Nr. 174, Columbus/Ohio/USA 1972

41. Le théorème de conservation de la cour-bure et de la torsion or attempts for a uni-fied theory of geodesy
Tagungsheft 5th Symposium on Mathemat-ical Geodesy (2nd Hotine Symposium)
Bulletin Géodésique 109 (1973) 237-260; Boll. di Geodesia e Scienze Affini 32 (1973) 6-28

42. Nichtlokale Gezeitenanalyse
Mitt. Institut für Theoretische Geodäsie No. 13, Bonn 1973

43. Optimales Design geodätische Netze 1
(zus. P. Harland)
Deutsche Geodätische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften A 74, München 1973

44. Optimal design of geodetic nets
J. Geophysical Research 78 (1973) 5587-5897

45. Gravity gradients and three dimensional net adjustment without ellipsoidal reference
The Ohio State University, Report No. 202. Columbus/Ohio/USA 1973

46. Gravimetrische und magnetische Analyse der Anomalie des Rodderberges bei Bonn
Mitt. Institut für Theoretische Geodäsie No. 24, Bonn 1973

47. Unbiased free net adjustment
(zus. B. Schaffrin)
Survey Review 22 (1974) 200-218

48. Variationsprinzipien und Näherung nullter Ordnung der Erdfigur
(zus. M. Jansen)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 99 (1974) 96-106

49. Shar-Effekt-Tests an MOM-Kreiseltheodoliten
(zus. F. Halmos)
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 81 (1974) 176-179

50. Free adjustment of oscillation observations
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 81 (1974) 170-176

51. A LOD and wobble analysis of generalized Euler-Liouville type based on virial planetary equations
Proc. Symposium on Earth's Gravitational Field and Secular Variations in Position, pages 643-659, Sydney/Australien 1974

52. Optimization of geodetic networks
Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini 33 (1974) 351-406

53. World geodetic datum WD 1 and WD 2 from satellite and terrestrial observations
(zus. B. Eitschberger)
Bulletin Géodésique 114 (1974) 364-385

54. Eine Lotabweichungskarte Westdeutschlands nach einem geodätisch konsistenten Kolmogorov-Wiener Modell
(zus. G. Offermanns)
Deutsche Geodätische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften A 82, München 1975

55. Cartan frames and a foundation of physical geodesy
Methoden und Verfahren der mathemati-schen Physik, Bd. 12 (Eds. B. Brosowski/E. Martensen), BI-Verlag, Mathematical Geo-desy, Mannheim 1975

56. The geodetic boundary value problem
Methoden und Verfahren der mathemati-schen Physik, Bd. 13 (Eds: B.Brosowski / E. Martensen), BI-Verlag, Mathematical Geodesy, Mannheim 1975

57. Geodetic prediction concepts
Methoden und Verfahren der mathematischen Physik, Bd. 13 (Eds. B. Brosowski/E. Martensen), BI-Verl., Mathematical Geode-sy, Mannheim 1975

58. Geodetic stochastic processes
Methoden und Verfahren der mathemati-schen Physik, Bd. 14 (Eds. B. Brosowski/E. Martensen), BI-Verlag, Mathematical Geo-desy, Mannheim 1975

59. Vermessungskreisel im System der dreidimensionalen Geodäsie
Mitteilungen aus dem Markscheidewesen 18 (1975) 179-190

60. Second order design of geodetic nets
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 100 (1975) 158-168

61. Threedimensional geodesy I - The holonomity-problem.
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 100 (1975) 269-281

62. Geodetic applications of stochastic processes.
Communication from the Geodetic Insti-tute, Uppsala University No. 13, Uppsala 1975, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 21 (1976) 151-179

63. A representation of the standard gravity field
(zus. E.D. Heidenreich, B. Schaffrin)
IAG/ IUGG General Assembly, Grenoble 1975
manuscripta geodaetica 2 (1977) 135-174

64. Torsion and anholonomity of geodetic frames
(zus. P. Defrise)
Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini 35 (1976) 81-92

65. Threedimensional geodesy III-Refraction
Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini 35 (1976) 153-160

66. Equivalence of estimable quantities and invariants in geodetic networks
(zus. B. Schaffrin)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 101 (1976) 485-491

67. The threedimensional Laplace theorem
Scientific Bulletins of the Stanislaw Staszic University. Cracow, 45 (1976) 27-35

68. Stress-strain relations in geodetic networks
Publ. Geodetic Institute Uppsala Universi-ty, No. 16, Uppsala 1977

69. Geodäsie - Gaußsche oder Cartansche Flächengeometrie?
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 84 (1977) 139-150

70. The generalized Laplace condition
(zus. B. Richter)
Bulletin Géodésique 51 (1977) 287-293

71. The definition of the telluroid.
Bulletin Géodésique 52 (1978) 25-37

72. Threedimensional geodesy II - the datum problem -
(zus. B. Richter)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 103 (1978) 44-59

73. Schätzung von Varianz und Kovarianz der Beobachtungen in geodätischen Ausgleichsmodellen.
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 85 (1978) 41-49

74. Gewichtsschätzung in geodätischen Netzen
(zus. A. d'Hone)
Deutsche Geodätische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften A 88, München 1978

75. Dreidimensionale geodätische Abbildungs-gleichungen und die Näherungsfigur der Erde
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 103 (1978) 132-140

76. Kanonisches Design geodätischer Netze I
(zus. B. Schaffrin und G. Schmitt).
manuscripta geodaetica 2 (1977) 263-306

77. Kanonisches Design geodätischer Netze II
(zus. B. Schaffrin und G. Schmitt)
manuscripta geodaetica 3 (1978) 1-22

78. Rank defect analysis of satellite geodetic networks I geometric and semi-dynamic mode
(zus. E. Liveratos)
manuscripta geodaetica 3 (1978) 107-134

79. Rank defect analysis of satellite geodetic networks II - dynamic mode -
(zus. K. Heinz)
manuscripta geodaetica 3 (1978) 135-156

80. Space-Time differential geodesy
in: The Changing World of Geodetic Sci-ence, 150-217, Proc. Int. Symposium, The Ohio State University , Department of Ge-odetic Science, Report 250, Vol. I. Colum-bus 1977

81. Operational geodesy
in: Approximation Methods in Geodesy, eds. H. Moritz and H. Sünkel, pages 235-284, H. Wichmann Verlag, Karlsruhe 1978

82. Marussian geodesy
Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini 37 (1978) 209-249

83. The equilibrium figure of the Earth I
(zus. K.H. Hauer)
Bulletin Géodésique 52 (1978) 251-267

84. Elie Cartan and Geodesy I
(zus. F. Bocchio,N. Grossman, J.G. Leclerc, A. Marussi)
Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini 37 (1978) 619-634

85. Kriterion-Matrizen I - zweidimensional homogene und isotrope geodätische Netze -
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 104 (1979) 133-149

86. Third-order design of geodetic networks
Int. Symposium of Optimization of Design and Computation of Control Networks, Sopron, Ungarn, 1977, Proceedings, Akademiai -Kaido, Budapest 1979

87. Space-Time geodesy
Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini 38 (1979) 551-589

88. Investigations on the hierarchy of refer-ence frames in geodesy and geodynamics
(zus. J.J. Mueller, H.B. Papo, B. Richter)
Department of Geodetic Science, The Ohio State University, Report 289, Columbus 1979

89. Concepts for reference frames in geodesy and geodynamics: the reference directions
(zus. J.J. Mueller, H.B. Papo, B. Richter)
Bulletin Géodésique 53 (1979) 195-213

90. Free Doppler network adjustment
(zus. A. Kleusberg , B. Richter)
Proceedings of the Second International Geodetic Symposium on Satellite Doppler Positioning, Vol. 2, pages 1053-1069, Aus-tin 1979.

91. Expectation and variance component esti-mation of multivariate gyrotheodolite ob-servations I
(zus. A. Kleusberg)
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 87 (1980) 129-137

92. An introduction to the variance-covariance- component estimation of Helmert type
(zus. A. Kleusberg, B. Schaffrin)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 105 (1980) 161-180

93. The Bruns transformation and a dual setup of geodetic observational equations
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin-istration, Report NOS 85, NGS 16, Rock-ville 1980

94. On the weight estimation in leveling
(zus. P. Vanicek)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin-istration, Report NOS 86, NGS 17, Rock-ville 1980

95. Estimability analysis of geodetic, astrometric and geodynamical quantities in very long baseline interferometry
(zus. A. Dermanis)
Geophysical Journal of the Royal astronomical Society 64 (1981) 31-56

96. Expectation and variance component estimation of multivariate gyrotheodolite observation II
(zus. A. Kleusberg)
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 88 (1981) 104-108

97. The spacelike Molodensky problem in-cluding the rotational term of the gravity potential
(zus. A. Bode)
manuscripta geodaetica 6 (1981) pages 33-61

98. Die Beobachtungsgleichungen der dreidi-mensionalen Geodäsie im Geometrie- und Schwereraum, ein Beitrag zur operationellen Geodäsie
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 106 (1981) 411-429

99. Kommentar eines Geodäten zu einer Arbeit E. B. Christoffels. The influence of his Work on Mathematics and the Physical Sciences, eds. P.L. Butzer and F. Feher, Birkhäuser Verlag, pages 735-742, Basel 1981

100. Geodätische Datumtransformationen
(zus. E.H. Knickmeyer und B. Schaffrin)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 107 (1982) 15-25

101. From kinematical geodesy to inertial positioning
Bulletin Géodésique 55 (1981) 286-299

102. Kriterion-Matrizen II: Zweidimensionale homogene und isotrope geodätische Netze, Teil II a: Relative cartesische Koordinaten
(zus. B. Schaffrin)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 107 (1982) 183-194

103. Optimal design of geodetic networks
Proceedings of the International Symposi-um on Geodetic Networks and Computa-tions
Vol. III, Optimal Design of Geodetic Net-works, 69-81, Report B 258/III, Deutsche Geodätische Kommission, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, München 1982

104. Adjustment procedures of geodetic networks
Proceedings of the International Symposi-um on Geodetic Networks and Computa-tions, Vol. VI, 7-26, Report B 258/VI, Deut-sche Geodätische Kommission, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, München 1982.

105. Test computations of threedimensional geodetic networks with observables in geometry and gravity space
(zus. K. Engler, P. Teunissen, J. Zaiser)
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Geodetic Networks and Computations. Vol. VII, 119-141. Report B 258/VII. Deutsche Geodätische Kommission, Baye-rische Akademie der Wissenschaften, München 1982.

106. The processing of satellite Doppler obser-vations in the free network mode
(zus. A. Kleusberg, H. Kremers, F. Massmann)
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 89 (1982) 286-296

107. The telluroid mapping based on a normal gravity potential including the centrifugal term
(zus. A. Bode)
Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini 41 (1982) 21-56

108. Kriterion-Matrizen II: Zweidimensionale homogene und isotrope geodätische Netze. Teil II b: Absolute cartesische Koordinaten
(zus. B. Schaffrin)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 107 (1982) 485-493

109. Six Lectures on Geodesy and Global Geodynamics.
Lecture I: Deformation
Lecture II: Spacetime operational  geodesy
Lecture III: Geodetic reference frames
Lecture IV: Global dynamics
Lecture V: Global displacement models I
Lecture VI: Global displacement models II
in: Proceedings of the Third International Summer School in the Mountains, eds. H. Moritz and H. Sünkel, Mitt. Geod. Institute Techn. Universität Graz, Folge 41, 531-685, Graz 1982

110. Vectors, quaternions and spinors v a discussion of algebras underlying three-dimensional geodesy
(zus. B. Schaffrin)
Feestbunderter Gelegenheid van de 65ste Verjaardag van Professor Baarda, Deel I, ed. Geodetic Computer Centre (LGR) pages 111-134, Delft 1982

111. Spacetime telluroid versus spacetime geoid or the Bruns-Love dialogue
Commemorative Volume on the occasion of Erik Tenström's 70th birthday, Report Nr. 19, Department of Geodesy, Uppsala University, pages 105-127, Uppsala 1983

112. Reference frame rotation - regularized theory by quaternions and spinors - "Geodesy in Transition"
A volume dedicated to Helmut Moritz on the occasion of his 50th birthday, ed. by K.P. Schwarz and G. Lachapelle, The Uni-versity of Calgary, Report 60002, pages 185-225, Calgary 1983

113. The small scale structure of geometry and gravity space I
(zus. Y. Georgiadou)
Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini 42 (1983) 162-187

114. Stochastic models for point manifolds
in: Mathematical models of geodetic/ photogrammetric point determination with regard to outliers and systematic errors, ed. F.E. Ackermann, Report A 98, 29-52, Deut-sche Geodätische Kommission, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, München 1983

115. Variance-covariance component estimation of Helmert type in the Gauß-Helmert model
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 109 (1984) 34-44

116. A computation of pole tides based on a set of Fourier coefficients of polar motion
(zus. M. Jarosch, W. Lindlohr)
Proceedings of the International Associa-tion of Geodesy (IAG) Symposia, Department of Geodetic Science and Surveying, The Ohio State University, Vol. 1, pages 147-165, Columbus, Ohio 1984.

117. Beste echte Zylinderabbildungen
(zus. A. Niermann)
Kartographische Nachrichten 34 (1984) 103-107

118. The multibody space-time geodetic boundary value problem and the Honkasalo term
(zus. F. Sanso)
Geophys. J.R. astr. Soc 78 (1984) 255-275

119. The equations of electromagnetic wave propagation in a refractive medium, corotating with the Earth
in: Geodetic Refraction, ed. F.K. Brunner, pages 189-208, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg-New York-Tokyo 1984

120. Criterion matrices of heterogeneously ob-served threedimensional networks
manuscripta geodaetica 10 (1985) 3-22

121. The free vs. fixed geodetic boundary value problem for different combinations of geo-detic observables
(zus. B. Heck and E.H. Knickmeyer)
Bulletin Géodésique 59 (1985) 11-32

122. Estimability of astronomical longitude and latitude only from theodolite observations within three-dimensional networks of terrestrial type
Bulletin Géodésique 59 (1985) 124-138

123. The critical configuration of satellite networks, especially of Laser and Doppler type, for planar configurations of terrestrial points
(zus. V. Müller)
manuscripta geodaetica 10 (1985) 131-152

124. Continuous networks I
(zus. F. Krumm)
in: Optimization and Design of Geodetic Networks. E. Grafarend and F. Sanso (Ed.) pages 301-341, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-Tokyo 1985

125. Criterion matrices for deforming networks
in: Optimization and Design of Geodetic Networks, E. Grafarend and F. Sanso (Eds.) pages 363-428, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-Tokyo 1985

126. Variance-covariance component estimation - theoretical results and geodetic applications.
Statistics and Decision, Supplement Issue No. 2 (1985) 407-447

127. Improved second order design of the global positioning system - ephemerides, clocks and atmospheric influences
(zus. W. Lindlohr and A. Stomma)
Proceedings 1st Int. Symp. on Precise Posi-tioning with the Global Positioning System, Vol. I, 273-284, Rockville (Maryland, USA) 1985. Proceedings FIG Symposium on Inertial Doppler and GPS Measurements for National and Engineering Surveys, Stu-diengang Vermessungswesen, Universität der Bundeswehr, Report 20-2, pages 359-375, München 1985

128. Differential geometry of the gravity field
manuscripta geodaetica 11 (1986) 29-37

129. Continuous networks, Fourier analysis and criterion matrices
(zus. F. Krumm and B. Schaffrin)
manuscripta geodaetica 11 (1986) pages 57-78

130. Kriterion-Matrizen III: Zweidimensional homogene und isotrope geodätische Netze
(zus. F. Krumm und B. Schaffrin)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 111 (1986) 197-207

131. Spacetime coordinates in the geocentric reference frame
(zus. M. Fujimoto)
in: Relativity in Celestial Mechanics and Astrometry, International Astronomical Union, Symposium 114, Leningrad/UDSSR, eds. J. Kovalevsky and V.A. Brumberg, D. Reichel Publishing company, pages 269-276, Dordrecht - Boston - Lancaster - To-kyo 1986

132. GPS-IGS: neue Meßtechniken mit Anwendungen im Markscheidewesen
in: Heft 10, 145-166, Moderne Technologie und Entwicklungen im Markscheidewesen, Schriftenreihe "Lagerstättenerfassung und -darstellung, Gebirgs- und Bodenbewegun-gen, Bergschäden, Ingenieurvermessung", Clausthal-Zellerfeld 1986

133. Three-dimensional deformation analysis: global vector spherical harmonic and local finite element representation
Tectonophysics 130 (1986) 337-359

134. Generating classes of equivalent linear models by nuisance parameter elimination - applications to GPS observations
(zus. B. Schaffrin)
manuscripta geodaetica 11 (1986) 262-271

135. Global vorticity and the definition of the rotation of a deformable Earth
(zus. P. Georgiadou)
Gerlands Beiträge zur Geophysik, Leipzig 95 (1986) 516-528

136. Simulation eines geodätischen Inertialsystems
(zus. D. Schröder, S. Wiegner, B. Schaffrin)
in: Beiträge zur Inertialgeodäsie , Schrif-tenreihe der Universität der Bundeswehr, Studiengang Vermessungswesen, Heft 22, eds. W. Caspary, G. Hein, A. Schödlbauer, 197-237, München 1987

137. Der Einfluß der Lotrichtung auf lokale geodätische Netze
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 112 (1987) 413-424

138. Modelling vertical refraction in the SW Finland Triangular Network - TAGNET 3-d Adjustment
(zus. H. Kremers, J. Kakkuri, M. Vermeer)
Report 87:2, Finnish Geodetic Institute, Helsinki 1987

139. Adjusting the SW Finland triangular net work using the TAGNET 3-d operational geodesy software
(zus. H. Kremers, J. Kakkuri, M. Vermeer)
Report 106, Finnish Geodetic Institute, Helsinki 1987

140. The overdetermined geodetic boundary value problem
(zus. B. Schaffrin)
Proc. Int. Symp. Figure and Dynamics of the Earth, Moon and Planets, eds. P. Holota, Part I, pages 185-193, Prague 1987

141. GPS design: Undifferenced carrier beat phase observations and the fundamental difference theorem
(zus. D. E. Wells, W. Lindlohr, B. Schaff-rin)
University of New Brunswick, Surveying Engineering, Technical Report Nr. pages 116, 141 pages, Fredericton/Canada 1987

142. The geoid and the gravimetric boundary value problem
Proceedings of the International Associa-tion of Geodesy (IAG) Symposia, XIX General Assembly, Vancouver/Canada, Tome II, pages 312-318, Paris 1987

143. Von der statischen zur dynamischen Auf-fassung geodätischer Netze
(zus. B. Schaffrin)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 113 (1988) 79-103

144. The geometry of the earth's surface and the corresponding function space of the terres-trial gravitational field
Report B 287, Deutsche Geodätische Kommission, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Festschrift Rudolf Sigl zum 60. Geburtstag, 76-94, München 1988

145. Azimuth transport and the problem of Ori-entation within geodetic traverses and geodetic networks
Zeitschrift Vermessung, Photogrammetrie, Kulturtechnik (Schweiz) 86 (1988) 314-332

146. A comparative study of local level and strapdown inertial systems
(zus. D. Schröder, N.C. Thong, S. Wiegner, B. Schaffrin)
manuscripta geodaetica 13 (1988) 224-248

147. World - a multipurpose GPS-network computer package
(zus. W. Lindlohr)
Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, Nr. 19, GPS-Techniques Applied to Geodesy and Surveying, eds. E. Groten and R. Strauß, pages 393-406, Springer Verlag, Berlin- Heidelberg - New York - London - Paris - Tokyo 1988

148. Hochgenaue Navigation - Integration navigatorischer und geodätischer Methoden
(zus. U. Hangleiter, Ph. Hartl und W. Möh-lenbrink)
Bericht aus dem Sonderforschungsbereich 228, Sonderdruck aus Geowissenschaften, Mitteilung XVII der Senatskommission für Geowissenschaften Gemeinschaftsforschung, 1989

149. A land GPS levelling experiment in 1987, Preliminary report on the results
(zus. J. Kakkuri and L. Sjöberg)
Proceedings, "GPS-Techniques applied to Geodesy and Engineering", eds. E. Groten and R. Strauß, pages 125-131, Lecture No-tes in Earth Sciences, Springer-Verlag, Ber-lin - Heidelberg - New York 1988.

150. Dreidimensionaler Rückwärtsschnitt
(zus. P. Lohse, B. Schaffrin)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 114 (1989) 61-67, 127-137, 172-175, 225-234, 278-287

151. The geometry of nonlinear adjustment - the planar trisection problem
(zus. B. Schaffrin)
Festschrift to Torben Krarup eds. E. Kejlso, K. Poder and C.C. Tscherning, Geodaetisk Institut, Meddelelse No. 58, pages 149-172, Kobenhavn 1989

152. Geodetic positioning by inertial and satellite systems: an overview in: High Precision Navigation
eds. K. Linkwitz and U. Hangleiter, pages 34-74, Springer-Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York 1989

153. The geoid and the gravimetric boundary value problem
The Royal Institue of Technology Stockholm Department of Geodesy, Report 18, Trita Geod 1018, Stockholm 1989

154. GPS und PRARE - zwei satellitengeodätische Positionierungssysteme: Stand, Ver-fahren, Anwendung, Leistung, Zukunft
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 114 (1989) 321-334

155. Four lectures on special and general relativity, Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences
F. Sanso and R. Rummel (eds.), Theory of Satellite Geodesy and Gravity Field Determination, Nr. 25, pages 115-151, Springer Verlag Berlin - Heidelberg - New York - London - Paris - Tokyo - Hongkong 1989

156. A spheroidal harmonic model of the terrestrial gravitational field
(zus. N.Thong)
manuscripta geodaetica 14 (1989) 302-344

157. Photogrammetrische Positionierung
Festschrift Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Friedrich Ackermann zum 60. Geburtstag, Institut für Photogrammetrie, Universität Stuttgart, Re-port 14, pages 45-55, Stuttgart 1989.

158. Four Lectures on Deformable Earth and Gravity in Geodesy
2nd Winter Seminar on Geodynamics, Re-port "Deformable Earth and its Gravity Field", Geodetic and Geophysical Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sci-ence, pages 45-76, Sopron 1989

159. A graph-theoretical algorithm for detecting configuration defects in triangular geodetic networks
(zus. A. Mader)
Bulletin Géodésique 63 (1989) 387-394

160. Dreidimensionaler Vorwärtsschnitt
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 115 (1990) 414-419

161. Topozentrische Parallaxe
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 115 (1990) 462-473

162. Review of algorithms for the synthesis of gravitational functionals
(zus. B. Schaffrin, W. Pachelski, B. Middel and N.C. Thong)
The 18th Interkosmos Symposium "The use of artificial satellite observations in geode-sy and geophysics", June 1989, Cracow, Publication No. 27, Polska Akademia Nauk,
Warszawa 1990.

163. The minimal distance mapping of the topographic surface onto the (reference) ellipsoid of revolution
(zus. P. Lohse)
manuscripta geodaetica 16 (1991) 92-110

164. Relativistic GPS positioning
(zus. V.S. Schwarze)
Proceedings of the Geodetic Day in Honor of Antonio Marussi, Rome, October 9th, 1989, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, At-ti Dei Convegni Lincei 91, pages 53-66, eds. M. Caputo and F. Sanso, Roma 1991

165. The geoid and its computation from the gravimetric boundary value problem
(zus. B. Heck, J. Engels)
1st International Geoid Commission Sym-posium, Milan, June 1990. in: Determina-tion of the Geoid - Present and Future - eds. Richard H. Rapp and Fernando Sanso, pag-es 321-332, Springer-Verlag, New York 1991

166. The planar trisection problem and the impact of curvature on non-linear least-squares estimation
(zus. B. Schaffrin)
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (North Holland) 12 (1991) 187-199

167. Relativistic effects in geodesy
Report Special Study Group 4.119, International Association of Geodesy, Contribu-tion to "Geodetic Theory and Methodolo-gy" ed. F. Sanso, 163-175, Politecnico di Milano, Milano/Italy 1991

168. Wo das Wasser hinfließt
Wasser-Kalender 1992, herausgegeben von R. Wagner, Seiten 26-44, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 1991

169. A global representation of ellipsoidal heights - geoidal undulations or topographic heights - in terms of orthonormal func-tions, Part I: "amplitude-modified" spheri-cal harmonic functions, Part II: "phase-modified" spherical harmonic functions
(zus. J. Engels)
manuscripta geodaetica 17 (1992) 52-58, 59-62

170. A unified computational scheme for traditional and robust prediction of random effects with some applications in geodesy
(zus. B. Schaffrin)
The Frontiers of Statistical Scientific Theo-ry and Industrial Applications (Volume II of the Proceedings of ICOSCO-I), American Sciences Press, pages 405-427, New York 1991

171. Relativistic computation of geodetic satellite orbits
(zus. G. Joos)
in: High Precision Navigation 91, pages 19-30 eds. K. Linkwitz/ U. Hangleiter, Dümm-ler Verlag, Bonn 1992

172. Global base functions for the mass density in the interior of a massive body (Earth)
(zus. L. Ballani, J. Engels)
manuscripta geodaetica 18 (1993) 99-114

173. Separation of geoid and sea surface topography in shallow water regions
(zus. M. Metzner)
Proceedings First ERS-1 Symposium Space at the Service of our Environment Cannes, France 4-6 November 1992, ESA SP-359 (March 1993) pages 401-406

174. The geoid as an inverse problem to be regularized
(zus. J. Engels, W. Keller, Z. Martinec, F. Sanso, P. Vanicek)
Inverse Problems: Principles and applica-tions in Geophysics, Technology and Med-icine, eds. G. Anger, R. Gorenflo, H. Joch-mann, H. Moritz and W. Webers, pages 122-167, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1993

175. The gravitational field of topographic-isostatic and the hypothesis of mass condensation
(zus. J. Engels)
Surveys in Geophysics 140 (1993) 495-524

176. The modelling of free satellite networks in spacetime
in: Proc. International workshop on global positioning systems in geosciences. eds. S.P. Mertikas, Department of Mineral Re-sources Engineering, Technical University of Crete, pages 45-66, Chania/Greece 1993

177. Gauge theory field equations of gravita-tion, the definition and computation of the spacetime deforming geoid
Symposium 112, geodesy and physics of the Earth, eds. H. Montag and C. Reigber, Springer-Verlag, pages 226-232, Berlin - Heidelberg 1993

178. Engineering networks in a threedimensional reference frame, applications of geodesy to engineering
Symposium 108 eds. K. Linkwitz, V. Eisele, H. Mönicke, Springer-Verlag, pages 1-11, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York 1993

179. Robot vision based on an exact solution of the threedimensional resection-intersection
(zus. A. Mader)
Application of Geodesy to Engineering, Symposium 108, eds. K. Linkwitz, V. Eise-le, H.J. Mönicke, Springer-Verlag, pages 376-389, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York 1993

180. What is a geoid? Geoid and its geophysical interpretations
eds. P. Vanicek, N. Christou, pp. 3-32, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 1994

181. The convergent series expansion of the gravity field of a starshaped body
(zus. J. Engels)
manuscripta geodaetica 19 (1994) 18-30

182. The suitability of ERS-1 Radar-altimeter data for oceanographic and geodetic appli-cations for the Baltic Sea
(zus. M. Metzner, S. Dick)
Proc. 2nd ERS-1 Symposium, Space at the Service of our Environment, Hamburg, ESA SP -361 (1994) pages 591-595

183. The finite element approach to the geodetic computation of two- and three-dimensional deformation parameters: A study of frame and parameter estimability
(zus. A. Dermanis)
Proceedings of the international confer-ence on cartography-geodesy, Maracaibo (Venezuela) 24 November - 3 December 1992, eds. J. Sevilla and H. Henneberg, In-stituto de Astronomia y Geodesia, pages 66-86, Madrid 1993

184. Observability analysis of integrated INS/GPS system
(zus. P. Xu)
Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini 103 (1994) 266-284

185. Newton mechanics as geodesic flow on Maupertuis' manifolds: the local isometric embedding into flat spaces
(zus. H. Goenner and R.J. You)
manuscripta geodaetica 19 (1994) 339-345

186. The Newton form of a geodesic in Maupertuis gauge on the sphere and the biaxial ellipsoid
(zus. R.Y. You)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 120 (1995) 68-80, 509-521

187. A multi-objective second-order optimal design for deforming networks
(zus. P. Xu)
Geophys. Journal Int. 120 (1995) 577-589

188. The generalized Mollweide projection of the biaxial ellipsoid
(zus. A. Heidenreich)
Bulletin Géodésique 69 (1995) 164-172

189. Setup of observational functionals in gravity space as well as in geometry space
(zus. W. Keller)
manuscripta geodaetica 20 (1995) 301-325

190. Curvilinear geodetic datum transformation
(zus. F. Krumm, F. Okeke)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 120 (1995) 334-350

191. The gravitational field of topographic-isostatic masses and the hypothesis of mass condensation - Part I and II
(zus. J. Engels, P. Sorcik)
Schriftenreihe der Institute des Fachbe-reichs Vermessungswesen, Technical Re-port 1995.1, Department of Geodesy, Stutt-gart 1995

192. The spherical Stokes boundary value problem solved in a moving tangent space
Festschrift Erwin Groten, occasion of his 60th birthday, Institute of Geodesy and Navigation, University FAF Munich, pages 44 - 61, Neubiberg (Germany) 1995

193. The optimal universal transverse Mercator projection
manuscripta geodaetica 20 (1995) 421-468

194. Projective heights in geometry and gravity space
(zus. R. Syffus, R. J. You)
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 102 (1995) 382-403

195. How accurately do we know the marine ge-oid in shallow water regions?
(zus. M. Metzner, S. Dick, M. Stawarz)
in: Geodetic Theory Today, 3rd Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy, Symposium 114, editor: F. Sanso, pages 413-428, Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg 1995

196. The oblique azimuthal projection of geodesic type for the biaxial ellipsoid: Riemann polar and normal coordinates
(zus. R. Syffus)
Journal of Geodesy 70 (1995) 13-37

197. The oblique Mercator projection of the el-lipsoid of revolution  
(zus. J. Engels)
Journal of Geodesy 70 (1995) 38-50

198. The lunisolar stress tensor
(zus. P. Varga)
Proc. 12th Int. Symposium on Earth Tides (ed. H. T. Hsu) pages 361-371, Science Press, Beijing-New York 1995

199. An algorithm for the inverse of a multivari-ate homogeneous polynomial of degree n
(zus. T. Krarup, R. Syffus)
Journal of Geodesy 70 (1996) 276-286

200. C10(3): The ten parameter conformal group as a datum transformation in threedimen-sional Euclidean space
(zus. G. Kampmann)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 121 (1996) 68-77

201. Entwerfend Festliches für Klaus Linkwitz
in: Festschrift für K. Linkwitz (eds. E. Baumann, U. Hangleiter, W. Möhlenbrink) Seiten 110-117, Schriftenreihe der Institute des Fachbereiches Vermessungswesen, Technical Report 1996.1, Stuttgart 1996

202. Distribution of the lunisolar tidal elastic stress tensor components within the Earth's mantle
(zus. P. Varga)
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 93 (1996) 285-297

203. The gravitational field of topographic-isostatic masses and the hypothesis of mass condensation II - the topographic-isostatic geoid
(zus. J. Engels and P. Sorcik)
Surveys in Geophysics 17 (1996) 41-66

204. Probability distribution of eigenspectra and eigendirections of a twodimensional, sym-metric rank two random tensor
(zus. P. Xu)
Journal of Geodesy 70 (1996) 419-430

205. The Stokes and Vening-Meinesz functionals in a moving tangent space
(zus. F. Krumm)
Journal of Geodesy 70 (1996) 696-713

206. Statistics and geometry of the eigenspectra of three-dimensional second-rank symmetric random tensors
(zus. P. Xu)
Geophysical Journal International 127 (1996) 744-756

207. A closed-form solution of the nonlinear pseudo-ranging equations (GPS)
(zus. J. Shan)
Artificial Satellites (Warszawa/ Poland) Planetary Geodesy 28 (1996) 133-147

208. NN - Aus der Werkstatt eines Geodäten
(zus. J. Engels, F. Krumm, M. Metzner)
Wechselwirkungen, Jahrbuch 1995 der Universität Stuttgart, Seiten 40 - 52, Stutt-gart 1996

209. The gravitational potential of a deformable massive body generated by tidal and load potentials
(zus. J. Engels, P. Varga)
Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung. 31 (1996) 283-292

210. Closed-form solution of P4P or the three-dimensional resection problem in terms of Möbius barycentric coordinates
(zus. J.Shan)
Journal of Geodesy 71 (1997) 217-231

211. Closed-form solution to the twin P4P or the combined three dimensional resection-intersection problem in terms of Möbius barycentric coordinates
(zus. J.Shan)
Journal of Geodesy 71 (1997) 232-239

212. Solution to the Stokes boundary-value problem on an ellipsoid of revolution
(zus. Z. Martinec)
studia geophys. et geod. 41 (1997) 103-129

213. Estimable quantities in projective networks
(zus. J. Shan)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, Part I, 122 (1997) 218-226, Part II, 122 (1997) 323-333

214. Strip transformation of conformal coordinates of type Gauß-Krüger and UTM
(zus. R. Syffus)
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 104 (1997) 184-189

215. The optimal Mercator projection and the optimal polycylindric projection of conformal type - case study Indonesia -
(zus. R. Syffus)
Proceedings 18th International Cartograph-ic Conference, ed. L. Ottoson, Vol. 3, 1751-1759, Stockholm 1997
Proceedings, GALOS (Geodetic Aspects of the Law of the Sea), 2nd International Con-ference, Denpasar/Bali/Indonesia, July 1-4.1996, editor S. Mira, pp. 93-103, Institute of Technology, Bandung 1996

216. Construction of Green's function to the ex-ternal Dirichlet boundary-value problem for the Laplace equation on an ellipsoid of revolution
(zus. Z. Martinec)
Journal of Geodesy 71 (1997) 562-570

217.  Proceedings GALOS (Geodetic Aspects of the Law of the Sea)
(zus. A. Ardalan)
ed. S. Mira, 2nd International Conference, Denpasar/Bali/Indonesia, July 1-4, 1996,
pp. 183-192, Inst. of Technology, Bandung

218.  : an estimate in the Finnish Height Da-tum N 60, epoch 1993.4, from twenty-five GPS points of the Baltic Sea Level Project
(zus. A. Ardalan)
Journal of Geodesy 71 (1997) 673-679

219. Mixed cylindric map projections of the ellipsoid of revolution
(zus. R. Syffus)
Journal of Geodesy 71 (1997) 685-694

220. Comments and reply regarding Grafarend and Krumm (1996) The Stokes and Vening-Meinesz functionals in a moving tangent space
Journal of Geodesy 71 (1997) 707-708

221. Map projections of project surveying objects and architectural structures, Part 1: Projective geometry of the pneu or torus T2 A,B with boundary
(zus. R. Syffus)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 122 (1997) 457-465

222. The Hammer projection of the ellipsoid of revolution (azimuthal, transverse, rescaled equiareal
(zus. R. Syffus)
Journal of Geodesy 71 (1997) 736-748

223. Map projections of project surveying objects and architectural studies, Part 2: Projective geometry of the cooling tower of the hyperboloid IH2
(zus. R. Syffus)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 122 (1997) 560-566

224. The spacetime gravitational field of a deformable body
(zus. J. Engels and P. Varga)
Journal of Geodesy 72 (1997) 11-30

225. Field lines of gravity, their curvature and torsion, the Lagrange and the Hamilton equations of the plumbline
Annali di Geofisica 40 (1997) 1233-1247

226. Map projections of project surveying ob-jects and architectural structures, Part 3: Projective geometry of the parabolic mirror or the paraboloid IP 2 with boundary
(zus. R. Syffus)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 123 (1998) 93-97

227. Map projections of project surveying ob-jects and architectural structures, Part 4: Projective geometry of the church tower or the onion Z/ 2
(zus. R. Syffus)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 123 (1998) 128-132

228. Optimal Mercator projection and the opti-mal polycylindric projection of conformal type - case study Indonesia
(zus. R. Syffus)
Journal of Geodesy 72 (1998) 251-258

229. The solution of the Korn-Lichtenstein equations of conformal mapping: the direct generation of ellipsoidal Gauss-Krueger conformal coordinates or the Transverse Mercator Projection
(zus. R. Syffus)
Journal of Geodesy 72 (1998) 282-293

230. Transformation of conformal coordinates from a local datum (regional, National, Eu-ropean) to a global datum (WGS 84). Part I: The transformation equations
(zus. R. Syffus)
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 105 (1998) 134-141

231. Transformation of conformal coordinates of type Mercator from a global datum (WGS 84) to a local datum (regional, na-tional)
(zus. F. Okeke)
Marine Geodesy 21 (1998) 169-180

232. The Abel-Poisson kernel and the Abel-Poisson integral in a moving tangent space
(zus. F. Krumm)
Journal of Geodesy 72 (1998) 404-410

233. Helmut Wolf – das wissenschaftliche Werk / the scientific work
Heft A 115, Deutsche Geodätische Kom-mission, Bayerische Akademie der Wissen-schaften, C.H.Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhand-lung, 97 Seiten, München 1998

234. Zwei polare geodätische Bezugssysteme: Der Referenzrahmen der mittleren Oberflä-chenvortizität und der Tisserand-Referenzrahmen
(zus. J. Engels)
in: Mitteilungen des Bundesamtes für Kar-tographie und Geodäsie, Band 5, ed. M.Schneider, Seiten 100-109, Frankfurt 1999

235. A first test of  , the time variations of   based on three GPS campaigns of the Baltic Sea Level Project.
(zus. A. Ardalan)
Report 99:4, Final Results of the Baltic Sea Level 1997 GPS Campaign (ed. M. Poutanen and J. Kakkuri), pages 93-113, The Finnish Geodetic Institute, Kirkko-nummi 1999

236. The spheroidal fixed-free two-boundary-value problem for geoid determination (the spheroidal Bruns' transform)
(zus. A.Ardalan, M.G.Sideris)
Journal of Geodesy 73 (1999) 513-533

237. World Geodetic Datum 2000
(zus. A.Ardalan)
Journal of Geodesy 73 (1999) 611-623

238. The minimal distance mapping of the phys-ical surface of the Earth onto the Somigliana-Pizetti telluroid and the corre-sponding quasi-geoid, case study: State of Baden-Württemberg
(zus. A.Ardalan)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 125 (2000) 48-60

239. Gaußsche flächennormale Koordinaten im Geometrie- und Schwereraum. Erster Teil: Flächennormale Ellipsoidkoordinaten
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 125 (2000) 136-139

240. Berechnung auflastinduzierter Horizontalverschiebungen, Geoidhöhen und Freiluft-Schwereanomalien für ein selbstgravitierendes, sphärisches Erdmodell und unter-schiedliche Rheologien
(zus. S.Göbell, M.Thoma, D.Wolf)
GeoForschungszentrum Potsdam, Scientific Technical Report STR 99/24, Potsdam 1999

241. Transformation of conformal coordinates of type Gauß-Krüger or UTM from a local datum (regional, National, European) to a global datum (WGS 84, ITRF 96) Part II: Case studies.
(zus. A. Hendricks, A. Gilbert)
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 107 (2000) 218-222

242. The time-varying gravitational potential field of a massive, deformable body
Studia geophys. et geod. 44 (2000) 364-373

243. Determination of vertical deflections by GPS/ LPS measurements
(zus. J.L. Awange)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 125 (2000) 279-288

244. Mixed integer-real valued adjustment (IRA) problems.
GPS Solutions (Wiley Publ.) 4 (2000) 31-45

245. The temporal variation of the spherical and Cartesian multipoles of the gravity field: the generalized MacCullagh representation
(zus. J. Engels, P. Varga)
Journal of Geodesy 74 (2000) 519-530

246. The terrain correction in a moving tangent space
(zus. S. Hanke)
Studia geophys. et geod. 45 (2001) 211-234

247. Somigliana-Pizzetti gravity: the international gravity formula accurate to the sub-nanoGal level
(zus. A. Ardalan)
Journal of Geodesy 75 (2001) 424-437

248. The spherical horizontal and spherical vertical boundary value problem - vertical deflections and geoidal undulations - the completed Meissl diagram
Journal of Geodesy 75 (2001) 363-390

249. Berechnung eislastinduzierter Vertikalbewegungen und Geoidänderungen in Südostalaska mit Hilfe viskoelastischer Erdmodelle
(zus. K. Bölling, J.M. Hagedoorn, D. Wolf)
Report STR 01/08, GeoForschungszentrum Potsdam, Potsdam 2001

250. High resolution regional geoid computation
(zus. A. Ardalan)
in: Gravity, Geoid and Geodynamics 2000, ed. M.Sideris, Springer-Verlag, pages 301-311, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York 2002

251. Ellipsoidal geoidal undulations (ellipsoidal Bruns formula): case studies
(zus. A. Ardalan)
Journal of Geodesy 75 (2001) 544-552

252. Gauß surface normal coordinates in geometry and gravity space, Part 2a:
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 126 (2001) 373-382

253. The spheroidal Stokes boundary value problem (extended abstract)
in: B. Benciolini (ed.), IV Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy, pp. 111-121, Springer Verlag, Berlin 2001

254. National height datum, the Gauss-Listing geoid level value w0 and its time variation (Baltic Sea Level Project: epochs 1990.8, 1993.8, 1997.4)
(zus. A. Ardalan, J. Kakkuri)
Journal of Geodesy 76 (2002) 1-28

255. Sensitive control of high-speed-railway tracks, Part I: Local representation of the clothoid
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 109 (2002) 61-70

256. Fast inverse Kepler transformation
(zus. G. Austen)
Artificial Satellites 36 (2001) 99-114

257. Sensitive control of high-speed-railway tracks, Part II: Minimal distance mapping of a point close to the clothoid
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 109 (2002) 85-94

258. GPS Solutions: closed forms, critical and special configurations of P4P
(zus. J. Shan)
GPS Solutions 5 (2002) 29-42

259. Linearized Least Squares and nonlinear Gauss-Jacobi combinatorial algorithm ap-plied to the 7-parameter datum transfor-mation C7(3) problem
(zus. J. Awange)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 127 (2002) 109-116

260. Separability conditions for the vector Helmholtz equation
(zus. Z. Martinec)
Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini 61 (2002) 53-61

261. Sylvester resultant solution of the planar ranging problem
(zus. J. Awange)
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 109 (2002) 143-147

262. Molodensky potential telluroid based on a minimum-distance map. Case study: the quasi-geoid of East Germany in the World Geodetic Datum 2000
(zus. A. Ardalan, J. Ihde)
Journal of Geodesy 76 (2002) 127-136

263. Erstellung eines digitalen Höhenmodells (DHM) mit Dreiecks-Bézier-Flächen
(zus. H. Hähnle)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 127 (2002) 193-199

264. Algebraic solution of GPS pseudo-ranging equations
(zus. J. Awange)
GPS Solutions 5 (2002) 20-32

265. Nonlinear adjustment of GPS observations of type pseudo-ranges
(zus. J. Awange)
GPS Solutions 5 (2002) 80-93

266. Time evolution of a World Geodetic Datum
(zus. A. Ardalan)
in: Vistas for Geodesy in the New Milleni-um, eds. J. Adam and K.P. Schwarz, pp. 114-123, Springer Verlag, Berlin – Heidel-berg 2002

267. Analysis of the Earth's gravitational field from semi-continuous ephemerides of a low Earth orbiting GPS-tracked satellite of type Champ, Grace or Goce
(zus. G. Austen and T. Reubelt)
in: Vistas for Geodesy in the New Milleni-um, eds. J.Adam and K.P.Schwarz, pp. 309-315, Springer Verlag, Berlin – Heidelberg 2002

268. On the determination of gravitational in-formation from GPS-tracked satellite mis-sions
(zus. C. Schäfer)
Artificial Satellites, J.Planetary Geodesy 37 (2002) 31-49

269. Datum-free deformation analysis of ITRF networks
(zus. F. Krumm)
Artificial Satellites, J.Planetary Geodesy 37 (2002) 75-84

270. A closed form representation of Somigliana-Pizzetti gravity
in: Honoring the Academic Life of Petr Vanicek, Department of Geodesy and Ge-omatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick, Technical Report # 218, pp. 71-79, Fredericton 2003

271. Explicit solution of the overdetermined three-dimensional resection problem
(zus. J. Awange)
Journal of Geodesy 76 (2003) 605-616

272. Closed form solution of the overdeter-mined nonlinear 7 parameter datum trans-formation
(zus. J. Awange)
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 4 (2003) 130-149

273. Nonlinear analysis of the three-dimensional datum transformation [con-formal group C7(3)]
(zus. J. Awange)
Journal of Geodesy 77 (2003) 66-76

274. GPS integer ambiguity resolution by various decorrelation methods
(zus. L. Lou)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 3 (2003) 203-210

275. Direct polynomial approach to nonlinear distance (ranging) problems
(zus. J. Awange, Y. Fukuda, S. Takemoto)
Earth Planets Space 55 (2003) 231-241

276. Polynomial optimization of the 7-parameter datum transformation problem when only three stations in both systems are given
(zus. J. Awange)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 4 (2003) 266-270

277. Harmonic analysis of the Earth's gravita-tional field by means of semi-continuous ephemerides of a low Earth orbiting GPS-tracked satellite. Case study: CHAMP
(zus. T. Reubelt, G. Austen)
Journal of Geodesy 77 (2003) 257-278

278. Intrinsic deformation analysis of the Earth's surface based on displacement fields derived from space geodetic meas-urements. Case studies: present-day deformation patterns of Europe and of the Mediterranean area (ITRF data sets)
(zus. B. Voosoghi)
Journal of Geodesy 77 (2003) 303-326

279. Groebner-basis solution of the three-dimensional resection problem (P4P)
(zus. J. Awange)
Journal of Geodesy 77 (2003) 327-337

280. Comments on and Reply to "Solution of the Dirichlet and Stokes exterior boundary problems for the Earth's ellipsoid" by V.V. Brovar, Z.S. Kopeikina, M.V. Pavlova, Journal of Geodesy 74 (2001) 767-772
(zus. Z. Martinec)
Journal of Geodesy 77 (2003) 357-360

281. Ranging algebraically with more observations than unknowns
(zus. J. Awange, Y. Fukuda, S. Takemoto, I. Ateya)
Earth Planets Space 55 (2003) 387-394

282. Space gravity spectroscopy: the benefits of Taylor-Karman structured criterion matrices
(zus. P. Marinkovic, T. Reubelt)
Advances in Geosciences 1 (2003) 1-8

283. Space Gravity Spectroscopy – determina-tion of the Earth's gravitational field by means of Newton interpolated LEO ephemeris Case studies on dynamic (CHAMP Rapid Science Orbit) and kine-matic orbits
(zus. T. Reubelt, G. Austen)
Advances in Geosciences 1 (2003) 127-135

284. Multipolynomial resultant solution of 3d resection problem (P4P)
(zus. J. Awange)
Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini 2 (2003) 79 - 102

285. Closed form solution of the triple three-dimensional intersection problem
(zus. J. Awange, Y. Fukuda)
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 6 (2003) 395-402

286. Finite element analysis of quasi-static earthquake displacement fields observed by GPS
(zus. A.M. Abolghasem)
Journal of Geodesy 77 (2003) 529-536

287. Resultants approach to the triple three-dimensional intersection problem
(zus. J. Awange, Y. Fukuda, S. Takemoto)
Journal of the Geodetic Society of Japan 49 (2003) 243-256

288. Ellipsoidal Vertical Deflections: Regional, continental, global maps of the horizontal derivative of the incremental gravity potential
(zus. G. Finn)
V Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathe-matical Geodesy, Matera / Italy 2003, in: International Association of Geodesy Symposia, vol. 127, pages 252-259, Sprin-ger Verlag Berlin - Heidelberg 2004

289. The A-optimal regularization parameter in uniform Tykhonov-Phillips regularization α-weighted BLE
(zus. J. Cai, B. Schaffrin)
V Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathe-matical Geodesy, Matera / Italy 2003, in: International Association of Geodesy Symposia, vol. 127, pages 309-324, Springer Verlag Berlin – Heidelberg 2004

290. High-resolution regional geoid computa-tion without applying Stokes's formula: a case study of the Iranian geoid
(zus. A.A. Ardalan)
Journal of Geodesy 78 (2004) 138-156

291. Temporal variations of the polar moment of inertia and the second-degree geopoten-tial
(zus. P. Varga, J. Engels)
Journal of Geodesy 78 (2004) 187-191

292. Exact solution of the nonlinear 7-parameter datum transformation by Groeb-ner basis
(zus. J. Awange, Y. Fukuda)
Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini 2 (2004) 117-127

293. Statistical inference of the eigenspace components of a two-dimensional, symmetric rank-two random tensor
(zus. J. Cai, B. Schaffrin)
Journal of Geodesy 78 (2004) 425-436

294. Harmonic Maps
Journal of Geodesy 78 (2005) 594-615

295. Ellipsoidal representation of the topo-graphical potential and its vertical gradient
(zus. P. Novák)
Journal of Geodesy 78 (2005) 691-706

296. A combinatorial scatter approach to the overdetermined three-dimensional intersection problem
(zus. J. Awange, S. Takemoto, Y. Fukuda)
Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini 4 (2004) 235 - 248

297. Orbital rotations of a satellite: Case study: GOCE
(zus. O. Baur)
Artificial Satellites 40 (2005) 87-107

298. The application of commutative algebra to geodesy: two examples
(zus. J. Awange, Y. Fukuda)
Journal of Geodesy 79 (2005) 93-102

299. From space angles to point position using Sylvester resultant
(zus. J. Awange)
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 7 (2005) 265-269

300. Ellipsoidal spectral properties of the Earth's gravitational potential and its first and second derivatives
(zus. K. Bölling)
Journal of Geodesy 79 (2005) 300-330

301. Role of algebra in modern day Geodesy
(zus. J. Awange, Y. Fukuda, S. Takemoto)
Proceedings of the International Associa-tion of Geodesy (IAG) Symposia "A Win-dow on the Future of Geodesy", June 30 – July 11, 2003, Sapporo, Japan, vol. 128, ed. F. Sanso, pages 524-529, Springer 2005

302. A new ellipsoidal gravimetric, satellite al-timetry and astronomic boundary value problem, a case study: The geoid of Iran
(zus. A. Safari, A.A. Ardalan)
Journal of Geodynamics 39 (2005) 545-568

303. Ellipsoidal vertical deflections and ellipsoidal gravity disturbance: case studies
(zus. G. Finn, A.A. Ardalan)
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 50 (2006) 1-57

304. The effect of topographical and atmospher-ic masses on spaceborne gravimetric and gradiometric data
(zus. P. Novak)
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 50 (2006) 549-582

305. High-performance GOCE gravity field recovery from gravity gradient tensor invariants and kinematic orbits information.
(zus. O. Baur)
in: Flury, J., Rummel, R., Reigber, C., Rothacher, M., Boedecker, G., Schreiber, U. (Eds.), Observation of the Earth System from Space, pp. 239-253, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006

306. Harmonic analysis of the Earth’s gravita-tional field from kinematic CHAMP orbits based on numerically derived satellite accelerations
(zus. T. Reubelt, M. Götzelmann)
in: Flury, J., Rummel, R., Reigber, C., Rothacher, M., Boedecker, G., Schreiber, U. (Eds.), Observation of the Earth System from Space, pp. 239-253, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006

307. Mapping Earth’s gravitation using GRACE data
(zus. P. Novák, G. Austen, M. Sharifi)
in: Flury, J., Rummel, R., Reigber, C., Rothacher, M., Boedecker, G., Schreiber, U. (Eds.), Observation of the Earth System from Space, pp. 239-253, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006

308. Statistical analysis of the eigenspace components of the two-dimensional, symmetric rank-two strain rate tensor derived from the space geodetic measurements (ITRF92-ITRF2000 data sets) in central Mediterra-nean and Western Europe
(zus. J. Cai)
Geophys. J. Int. 168 (2007) 449-472

309. Statistical analysis of geodetic deformation (strain rate) derived from the space geodetic measurements of BIFROST Project in Fennoscandia
(zus. J. Cai)
Journal of Geodynamics 43 (2007) 214-238

310. Computer algebra solution of the GPS N-points problem
(zus. B. Paláncz, J. Awange)
GPS Solutions 11 (2007) 295-299

311. The Optimal regularization method and its application in GNSS rapid static positioning
(zus. J. Cai, C. Hu)
ION GNSS 20th Int. Techn. Meeting Satel-lite Division, pp. 299-305, Forth Worth / TX 2007

312. The Statistical Property of the GNSS Carrier Phase Observations and its Effects on the Hypothesis Testing of the Related Estimators
(zus. J. Cai, C. Hu)
ION GNSS 20th Int. Techn. Meeting Satel-lite Division, pp. 331-338, Forth Worth / TX 2007

313. Normal Morlet wavelet transform and its application to the Earth's polar motion
(zus. L. Liu, H. Hsu)
Journal of Geophys. Research 112 B08401 (2007) 1-14, doi:10,1029/2006JB004895

314. The statistical analysis of the eigenspace components of the strain rate tensor derived from FinnRef GPS measurements (1997-2004) in Fennoscandia
(zus. J. Cai, H. Koivula, M. Poutanen)
IAG Symposia 132 “VI Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Theoretical and Computational Geodesy”, Wuhan, China, 29 May-2 June, 2006, eds. P. Xu, J. Liu and A. Dermanis, pp. 79-87, Springer, Berlin, Hei-delberg, 2008

315. The uniform Tykhonov-Phillips regulariza-tion (α-weighted S-homBLE) and its appli-cation in GPS rapid static positioning, in Fennoscandia
(zus. J. Cai, C. Hu, J. Wang)
IAG Symposia 132 “VI Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Theoretical and Computa-tional Geodesy”, Wuhan, China, 29 May-2 June, 2006, eds. P. Xu, J. Liu and A. Dermanis, pp. 216-224, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008

316. Transformation of Lambert Conic Conformal Coordinates from a Global Datum to a Local Datum
(zus. F. Okeke)
Marine Geodesy 30 (2007) 297-313

317. Methodology and use of tensor invariants for satellite gravity gradiometry
(zus. O. Baur, N. Sneeuw)
Journal of Geodesy 82 (2008) 279-293

318. Strain Invariants
(zus. P. Vanicek, M. Berber)
Journal of Geodesy 82 (2008) 263-268

319. Dixon resultant’s solution of systems of geodetic polynomial equations
(zus. B. Paláncz, P. Zaletnyik, J. Awange)
Journal of Geodesy 82 (2008) 505-511

320. Kinematische und dynamische Gleichun-gen zur Erdrotation: Messexperimente, Präzession/Nutation versus Tageslängenschwankung (LOD)/Polbewegung (PM)
Sitzungsberichte der Leibniz-Sozietät 94 (2008) 67-82

321. Horizontal Deformation Rate Analysis Based on Multiepoch GPS Measurements in Shanghai
(zus. J. Cai, J. Wang, J. Wu, C. Hu, J. Chen)
Journal of Surveying Engineering 134 (4) (2008) 132-137

322. Methods of determining weight scaling fac-tors for geodetic-geophysical joint inversion
(zus. C. Xu, K. Ding, J. Cai)
Journal of Geodynamics 47 (2009) 39-46

323. Surface deformation analysis of dense GPS networks based on intrinsic geometry: de-terministic and stochastic aspects
(zus. K. Moghtased-Azar)
Journal of Geodesy 83 (2009) 431-454

324. Systematical analysis of the transformation between Gauss-Krueger-Coordinate/DHDN and UTM-Coordinate/ETRS89 in Baden-Württemberg with different estimation methods
(zus. J. Cai)
H. Drewes (ed), Geodetic Reference Frames, (2009), IAG Symposia 134, DOI10.1007/ 978-3-642-00860-3_32

325. Geodetic reference frames: The kinemati-cal Euler equations: a review of their sin-gularities or the benefit of the Lusternik – Schnirelmann Category CAT(SO(3))=4
in: A Volume dedicated to Milan Bursa on the occasion of his 80th birthday, pages 85-99, Prague 2009

326. Transformation of amplitudes and fre-quencies of precession and nutation of the Earth's rotation vector to amplitudes and frequencies of diurnal pole motion
(zus. B. Richter, J. Engels)
Journal of Geodesy 84 (2010) 1-18

327. A new reference equipotential surface and reference ellipsoid for the planet Mars
(zus. A.Ardalan, R. Karimi)
Earth Moon Planet 106 (2010) 1-13

328. Spacetime modelling of the Earth’s gravity field by ellipsoidal harmonics.
(zus. M. Klapp and Z. Martinec)
In: “Handbook of Geomathematics", eds. W. Freeden, M. Z. Nashed, T. Sonar, pp. 159-252, Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg 2010

329. Spacetime gradiometry: tensor-valued ellipsoidal harmonics, the datum problem and an application of the Lusternik-Schnirelmann Category to construct a min-imum atlas. 
In: The apple of knowledge, M.E. Contada-kis et al (eds.), pp. 121-145, in honor of Prof. em. D.N. Arabelos, ZHTH, Thessalo-niki 2010

330. Space gradiometry: tensor-valued ellipsoidal harmonics, the datum problem and application of the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category to construct a minimum atlas
GEM - Int. J. Geomath 1 (2011) 145-166

331. A minimal atlas for the rotation group S O(3) 
(zus. W. Kühnel)
Int. J. Geomath 2 (2011) 113-122

332. The transition from three-dimensional embedding to two-dimensional Euler-Lagrange deformation tensor of the second kind: variation of curvature measures. 
Pure Appl. Geophys (2011)
DOI 10.1007/s00024-011-0419-7

333. Comparison of kinematic orbit analysis methods for gravity field recovery 
(zus. T. Reubelt, N. Sneeuw)
in: Sneeuw et al (eds.), IAG Symposia 137 “VII Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Math-ematical Geodesy”, Rome, Italy, 6-10 June 2009, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-22078-4_39,  pp. 259-265, Springer Verlag Hei-delberg, Berlin 2012

334. The MARUSSI Legacy: The Anholonomity Problem, Geodetic examples,  
in: Sneeuw et al (eds.), IAG Symposia 137 “VII Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Math-ematical Geodesy”, Rome, Italy, 6-10 June 2009, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-22078-4_2,  pp. 5-15, Springer Verlag Heidelberg, Ber-lin 2012

335. Did a change in tectonic regime occur between the Phanerozoic and earlier epochs?  
(zus. P. Varga, F. Krumm, C Doglioni, G Panza, F Riguzzi, A Schreider, N Sneeuw)
Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei 23 (2012) 139-148, DOI 10.1007/s12210-012-0172-6

336. Multivariate statistical analysis of defor-mation tensors: independent vs. correlated tensor observations  
(zus. K. Moghtased-Azar, F. Tavakoli and H.R. Nankoli)
Stud. Geophys. Geod. 56 (2012) 977-992, DOI 10.1007/s11200-011-9024-6

337. Von A. Einstein über H. Weyl und E. Cartan zur Quanten-Gravitation
Sitzungsberichte der Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften 113 (2012) 13-21, Berlin 2012

338. Evolution of the oceanic and continental crust during Neo-Proterozoic and Phanerozoic
(zus. P. Varga, F. Krumm, N. Sneeuw, A. Schreider, F. Horváth)
Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei 25 (2014) 255-263, DOI 10.1007/s12210-014-0298-9

339. Das duale wisschenschaftliche Paar Moritz – Molodenskij: Geodätische Höhen und Höhensysteme, in: “Moritz80”, 20 pages,

340. The reference figure of the rotating Earth in geometry and gravity space and an at-tempt to generalize the celebrated Runge-Walsh approximation theorem for irregular surfaces
Int. Journal on Geomathematics 6 (2015) 101-140, DOI 10.1007/s13137-014-0068-y

341. Fourth order Taylor-Kármán structured covariance tensor for gravity gradient pre-dictions by means of the Hankel transformation
(zus. R-J You)
Int. Journal on Geomathematics 6 (2015) 319-342, DOI 10.1007/s13137-015-0071-y

342. Spacetime modeling of the Earth’s gravity field by ellipsoidal harmonics 
(zus. M. Klapp and Z Martinec)
In: “Handbook of Geomathematics", eds. W. Freeden et al, 381-456, Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg 2015

343. Theory of Map Projections: From Riemann Manifolds to Riemann Manifolds
In: “Handbook of Geomathematics", eds. W. Freeden et al, 1-69, Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg 2014
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-27793-1_53-1

344. The zero gravity curve and surface and radii for geostationary and geosynchronous satellite orbits
(zus. L.E. Sjöberg, M.S. Joud)
J. Geod. Sci. 7 (2017), 43-50,
DOI 10.1515/jogs-2017-0005

345. Influence of Tidal Forces on the Triggering of Seismic Events
(zus. P. Varga)
Pure Appl. Geophys. 175 (2018) 1649-1657,
DOI 10.1007/s00024-017-1563-5

346. Relation of different type Love-Shida numbers determined with the use of time-varying incremental gravitational potential
(zus. P. Varga, J. Engels)
Pure Appl. Geophys., 175 (2018) 1643-1648,
DOI 10.1007/s00024-017-1532-z

347. The Global World of A. Dermanis and an attempt to use System Dynamics for the analysis of Polar-Motion (PDM) and Length of Day Variations (LOD), in: Quod Erat Demonstrandum – In quest of the ul-timate geodetic insight, Special issue for Professor Emeritus Athanasios Dermanis, School of Rural and Surveying Engineer-ing, p. 1-36, AUTH 2018 

348. Anholonomity in Pre- and Relativistic Geodesy, in: “Relativistic Geodesy: Foun-dations and Applications”, eds. D. Puetzfeld and C. Lämmerzahl, 229-289, Springer Na-ture Switzerland AG 2019, DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-11500-5

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